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The Activities Page

As part of our mission, the WCWDCA conducts the following activities:

• AKC Field Trials in March and November – More information on Field Trials

• AKC Specialty Shows, Obedience and Rally Trials in April. Additional Specialties and/or Supported Entry shows are in October. – More information on Conformation Shows and Obedience/Rally Trials

• AKC All-Breed Agility Trials in May and July – More Information on Agility Trials

• AKC Hunt Tests in Fall and Spring – More information on Hunt Tests

• WCA Retrieving and Shooting Ratings in the Fall or Spring – More information on Ratings Tests

• Field Training Sessions during the summer

• General membership meetings throughout the year.  The Annual Awards Dinner is usually in February and the Annual Picnic is in June or July.  The other membership meetings are held in conjunction with club events and meeting dates will be posted on the website.


Spring Specialties, Supported Entry, Sweepstakes and WCA Futurity/Maturity.  

April 21st – 23rd, 2017 in Timonium, MD. 


“Conformation” is the official name for “dog shows.” While they may seem glamorous, the true purpose of conformation showing is to evaluate breeding stock. The dog’s conformation—his overall appearance and structure—is an indication of the dog’s ability to produce quality purebred puppies, and that is what is being judged in the ring. That’s why mixed-breeds and spayed or neutered purebreds are not eligible to compete. Many times a new exhibitor will get started in dog shows by finding a mentor, usually the breeder they acquired their puppy from. 


How A Dog Show Works

Dog shows are basically a process of elimination, with one dog being named Best In Show at the end of the day. Along the way, some dogs accumulate points toward the title "AKC Champion” or “Grand Champion”. Younger dogs, or non-champions, compete in the classes to determine who is the best dog (Winners Dog) and the best bitch (Winners Bitch).  These winners then compete against champions in each breed to see who is the Best of Breed.  Only the Best of Breed winners advance to compete in the group competition. Each AKC-recognized breed falls into one of seven group classifications (Sporting, Hounds, Working, Terrier, Toy, Herding and Non-Sporting. Finally, the seven group winners are brought into the ring where they compete for BEST IN SHOW, the highest award at a dog show.


A humorous take on dog shows can be found at this link:


AKC also publishes a Beginners Guide to Dog Shows that is very helpful:

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